KPI Partners Blog

TDWI Conference Focuses On Data-Driven Decision Making

Posted by KPI Partners News Team on Fri, Sep 26, 2014 @ 11:44 AM

by Darren Chilton

I was fortunate to listen to Stephen Brobst, CTO of Teradata this past week as he discussed The Agile Data Warehouse at the TDWI World Conference in San Diego. Stephen was extremely engaging and got me thinking about some of our customers who are ready for this transition.

TDWI fb kWhat is important to note is that The Agile Data Warehouse is not just the introduction of individual technologies such as in-memory databases or big data technologies, but rather the encouragement of a culture that supports data-driven decision making in an organization. A large part of this decision making is performed based on consumer intelligence. These are the same consumers who are driving continuous growth and innovation in mobile technologies.

Most organizations with traditional data warehouse implementations are being perceived as losing value from analytics that were developed several years ago and slow to adopt to changing business conditions. In many cases, this is driving organizations to buy and develop individual technologies independent of an overall data strategy. 

See How The Chicago Police Dept. Uses Big Data >> 

The need to innovate within an organization will drive the data strategy and, as a result, the traditional data warehouse will need to be complimented with technologies such as a Hadoop File System, In-Memory Databases, Cloud-based products & services, and improved storage techniques. This will allow enterprises to collect, store and analyze data that historically has been out of reach, researched by external organizations, or analyzed in a unique manner.

Teradata TV interview with Stephen Brobst, Chief Technology Officer, Teradata

Oh, and don’t forget the Data Scientist(s), because these modern professionals are introducing tools and techniques into leading organizations that are typically not used by a traditional business analyst.

One last point: Remember that the majority of these technologies emerged because of a lack of governance and resume building. 

Darren Chilton

Darren Chilton is a Director of Client Services at KPI Partners.  He is a specialist in data warehousing and business intelligence who has worked within in the industry since 1999.  Darren is a trusted advisor whose experience includes leading award winning projects, developing strategic roadmaps, and integrating CRM & ERP with analytical platforms.  Check out Darren's blog at





Tags: Data Warehousing, TDWI, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Darren Chilton, Blog

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