Data Integration
We understand that the way you handle data directly impacts your business performance.
Your data initiatives need to be executed with speed, accuracy, flexibility and thoroughness. That’s why companies across the globe turn to KPI Partners to help them accomplish their data integration, transformation, management and security goals.
Smart enterprises will tell you that the benefits of application integration go well beyond IT. It’s essential to the competitive enterprise, and even more important to enterprises looking to control costs, improve business process efficiency and turn data into intelligence.
Cloud Brokerage & Integration
Organizations are embracing the cloud. They are adopting SaaS-based applications like, Box, and Workday. They’re also subscribing to hosted cloud platforms like Amazon Redshift and Windows Azure; transforming their own data centers into private clouds; and then merging the two using hybrid cloud technologies. As organizations move more data and applications to the cloud, they’ve begun to realize capital cost savings and greater IT flexibility, but they’re also discovering a new challenge: INTEGRATION.
The cloud’s cost and complexity reduction bring with them a new set of information integration challenges. As more information is moved into the cloud, organizations are facing a migration of their corporate information into disconnected silos. Without some kind of secure, robust integration solution, these organizations will lose the data precision and accuracy they currently take for granted.