KPI Partners provides solutions to develop intelligent products for companies who need to deliver a seamless experience for their customers. As a world leader in big data and cloud application engineering, KPI creates products quickly through a wide array of industry-specific knowledge and expertise in software, partnerships, and efficient process.




Product Development

We have substantial experience in building large software products in various domains across multiple technology stacks and platforms.


Application Integration

Smart enterprises will tell you that the benefits of application integration go well beyond IT. It’s essential to the competitive enterprise, and even more important to enterprises looking to control costs, improve business process efficiency and turn data into intelligence.


Software Engineering

With a strong base for research & development, KPI is a leader in analytic product engineering experience. We offer development accelerators and productivity tools to improve the product development lifecycle.


Business and Technical Analysis

We ask the right questions to fully understand, analyze, and solve business and technical problems.


Data Modeling

Data modeling was originally developed as a tool for improving database design, but has become a fundamental analysis technique in modern application development, whether the analyst is primarily concerned with data structures, application logic, the user interface, or business processes.


Offshore Technology Center

KPI's Offshore Technology Centers enable world class scalable services for a cost effective investment to create a competitive business advantage. All staff members within each technology center are specialists in Analytics, BI, Data Integration, Cloud Services, ERP, and CRM technology.


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“We link people, strategy, and performance with technology in an effort to inspire and improve.”

 -- Kumar Krishnaswamy, General Manager, KPI Partners